PM Lee and Lim Swee Say: Revealing the Truth With Real Statistics

Jentrified Citizen – Everyone should share this execellent factual analysis. The facts speak for themselves on why so many things are wrong with Singapore and why we are so unhappy. The facts debunk the myths and spin that have been painted by our government on how well they have been taking care of us. Not! They have been growing Singapore Inc as a business and their own fat salaries, yes. But taking good care of each and every Singaporean? Let the facts speak out loud.

The Heart Truths

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister without any portfolio Lim Swee Say made some bold claims on May Day this year. (The real reason for not having a named portfolio is because it would be ironic to have a Minister for Unions, wouldn’t it? The government shouldn’t be interfering in union affairs, rightfully!)

A look at the statistics will bulldoze their claims.

Mr Lim laid claim to his famous tagline of how workers should be ‘Cheaper, Better and Faster (CBF)‘. Imagine this coming from the person who is supposed to head the labour union – precisely the person who should be protecting us and helping us fight for higher wages. But no, he wants us to be cheaper. (Dear readers, please also see at the bottom of this article a clarification on Mr Lim’s definition of CBF.)

So, let’s take a look at the statistics to see…

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